公益財団法人山形県国際交流協会 AIRY

English Game Room

英語初心者向け交流講座「English Game Room」

(English Below)


新しい英語文化講座を紹介します!最近、英語で話してみたいが「EIGOで話そう!」の英語レベルがまだ難しいという多くの意見を頂いて、そういう方向けに企画した「English Game Room」という新しいイベントです!






日時    8月 15日(日) 14:00~16:00(定員)
        31日(火) 18:30~20:30

場所   山形県国際交流センター研修室

進行   山形県国際交流員 ミチコ・ヨシノ (アメリカ出身)

参加費  一般は550円。 団体賛助会員は330円。 学生は220円。
     (税込み) 個人賛助会員は無料!

対象   中学生以上です!英語ゼロでもOK~!

申込   以下のフォーム、電話、メール


Hello! This is Michiko, one of the Coordinators for International Relations in Yamagata! We started a new event focusing on board games to create a fun, casual environment with English-speaking facilitators to immerse oneself in an English-speaking space without the pressure or need to force oneself to speak it! The goal of English Game Room is to convey that language learning can be fun and be done outside of a classroom, and there are diverse ways to enjoy yourself in another language and interact with other people! Let’s play some modern cooperative games or some wacky party games – all of the games are guaranteed to be relatively easy to learn for any casual gamers! If you want a chance to play some board games and interact with the local community, please sign up! Each session is capped at 10 people so act quickly!


     August 15th (Sun) 14:00~16:00 (Full)

     August 31st (Tue) 14:00~16:00