Face To Face No. 89 is out!

Hello everyone!! Here’s a new issue of Face To Face!
In this issue’s “Yamagata In Focus“, we focus on the Bodaira Athelete Village over in Murayama Region’s Kaminoyama City! With efforts underway for a smooth Tokyo 2020 and host town relations, we paid the facilities a visit to better understand why it was ideal for both the general public and professional athletes!
For “International Insights“, our very own prefectural CIR, Michiko Yoshino wrote about her growth in Yamagata and what she learned about international exchange!
For the “Counselling Corner“, there is information from the Immigration Services Agency of Japan for foreign nationals who are outside of Japan and have had their period of stay expire. In addition, there is a quick guide to utilizing our Consultation Service for Businesses!
You can view the current issue or find past issues of our newsletter by clicking here or by clicking on the above picture!
We publish Face to Face three times a year. Each newsletter includes an exploration of a specific part of Yamagata, various voices and opinions from other foreigners living in Yamagata, as well as some tips and advice from our counselling corner.
We’re always looking for writers for our International Insights section so feel free to contact us if you’re interested!